與台灣藝術大學聲響中心一起代表台灣前往法國巴黎盧米埃爾電影學院交流,發表Ambisonic 聲響作品《扮仙》。
於台灣智慧財產法學會在國立中正大學財經法律學系舉辦之「2023臺灣智慧財產學會著作權研討會」中發表論文—《後數位AI時代音樂人與其創作歸屬的認知經驗之研究 》。
母性,像是,你在抗爭的隊伍中,寄生你的理念,無法離開,又發現,原來自己跟隊伍中的其他人,不一樣。 你又決定努力掙開與母性有關的事物,掙開原本你一直想進入的抗爭隊伍,一切卻已經像是雨林中空氣中的水分,無孔不入。 此作品由國藝會、台北市文化局贊助。預計於2022年十月中演出。https://sandrawcl.wixsite.com/2021may2
工作坊(workshop):2022 鐵道電腦實驗音樂工作坊 https://sandrawcl.wixsite.com/2022hc-rail
關於 #具象音樂創作 🎼🎤🎧 <<向具象音樂音樂家皮埃爾·舍費爾致敬>> 工作坊能帶著大家了解且運用屬於在鐵道藝術村環境下的音樂創作。1948年,法國作曲家皮埃爾・謝弗(Pierre Schaeffer) 利用巴黎地鐵錄製的聲音,組合並發表第一部具象音樂作品《鐵路上的練習曲》(Etude aux Chemins de Fer)。 對於具象音樂的詮釋,皮埃爾・謝弗表示:「以往的非具象的音樂是指作曲家將音樂轉換成作曲符號,寫在樂譜上,由音樂家識譜後演奏才產生音樂。可是樂譜不能發聲,只是傳達音樂的載體,對音樂的詮釋是抽象的符號,而不是音樂本身。具象音樂直接將聲音錄製,直接在聲音上進行創作,聽到的便是聲音的全部面貌,不再需要符號等抽象的工具來過渡,創作手法本身便是具象的。」(對話內文引述維基百科)
2022年,在手機和錄音設備相對便利的當下,要進行具象音樂的創作似乎更加平易近人,錄音的取得極為方便且多元,創作者則可以更親近感受聲音的造型,更專注思考如何把不同聲音拼貼和組合在一起。 本工作坊此次特別開在「鐵道第一排」的新竹市鐵道藝術村,伴隨火車穿梭來往的真實場景下,歡迎對具象音樂有興趣的朋友,一起嘗試音樂創作!
2022/2/19 14:00-18:00 地點:新竹市鐵道藝術村 5號工作室
配樂 (OST):2021臺南藝術節【小人國】
2021 11/6(週六午場) + 11/7(週日午場)@ 新營文化中心 演藝廳
Soundtrack (OST): 2021 Tainan Arts Festival-“The Country of Little Man"
Director and screenwriter: Yao Lee Chun, Guling Street Small Theater, "Silver Age Theatre Workshop" Creative Xinying Art Season "Xinying, Coming soon", A three-year series of performing arts centers recruit cultural new camps in Xinying Cultural Center, with an average age of six The fifteen-year-old amateur actors, with their care for drama, professionally, deduce their own life in the role of the drama in body, voice, body and creativity. “The Country of Little Man" can be said to be a modern version. "Gulliver's Travels", after the giant leaves, a "reminder show" of the king is staged every day. The upcoming crisis and hatred, a series of love and hatred, superimposed on the original ecological change of the Lilliputian country and the threat of war. The fear of dying sorrow. The Cultural Affairs Bureau stated that the director’s pilot project produced theatrical performance material from literature, and the silver-aged amateur actor interprets Gulliver’s Lilliputian’s characters in the Lilliput’s tour, portraying the contemporary spiritual theatrical scenery, which will be more clear in the quiet and livable Xinying. Citizens who can continue to inspire to enter the theater and participate in the new wave of artistic and cultural pulse. 2021 11/6, 11/7
工作坊(workshop):2021 新營藝術中心—電音工作坊
展演(Concert):2021 FUTURE VISION LAB—李婉菁X王駝X林晏均X陳智涵《扮仙》
《扮仙》 FUTURE VISION LAB特別版(三樂章):
I. 《暮》— 女聲
II. 《扮仙》電子異想
III .《化神》太鼓、電子異想
2021.10.29 (五)、10.30 (六) 19:00、20:00,共4場
Ban Shan — which in the Taiwanese (Hokkien) dialect means “play god” — is a story about a “Ba Jia Jiang”, a young medium who represents the bodyguard of a Taiwanese god. He has a lucid dream after a temple fair one night in which he dances until he becomes a god. In order to create a temple fair scene, in which Ba Jia Jiang dance in arrays accompanied by the sounds of firecrackers and Taiwanese gongs, a surround sound version of this work was created. The composer grew up in an area of Tainan City (Taiwan) populated by temples. This surround sound version of Ban Shan invokes the atmosphere of traditional festivals in her hometown, which she hopes to share with the world.
《Ban Shan》 FUTREU VISION LAB Special Edition (Three Movements): https://youtu.be/_rt9p6ThAH4
I. 《Twilight》- Vocal
II. 《Ban Shan》 - Computer Generated Sound
III. 《Hua Shen》- Taiko, Computer Generated Sound
工作坊(Workshop):2021 新營文化中心電音工作坊
2021/09/25 14:00~2021/09/26 17:00
Electronic Audio Workshop at Xinying Cultural Center -
Discover a different self through performing arts!
Computer music: fusion of the documentary nature of the soundscape and the applicability of popular music, from the one-finger action of turning on, the sound of Xinying and your own electronic music are loaded together, and you can create your own "Dong Zi Dong Zi"-or, unique ``World Electronic Music''!
"New arrangement for Taiwanese traditional songs", New Taipei Culture department
展演(Concert): 音樂有戲《靈異日常》實驗電音音樂會電音+電聲+中提琴+獵首笛+VJ 12/27 SUN. 1930 @牯嶺街小劇場
節目簡介| 召喚老電影𥚃的影像與聲音的鬼魂,跨越時空用聲音留住的軌跡,只有受到震動的人的記憶,拼圖是碎片狀態時才是拼圖。台語片裡的影音轉化成現場即時的視覺與聽覺感知。
"Supernatural Daily ", live computer-generated music and experiment film, an experimental electronic music concert, live experiment film + electronic music + electronic sound + viola + head hunting flute + VJ, 12/27 SUN.
Summon the ghosts of the image and sound of the old movies, across time and space with the track retained by sound, only the memory of the person who has been shaken, and the puzzle of memory is a fragmented state. The audio and visual in Taiwanese films are therefore transformed into a real-time visual and auditory perception.
配樂 (OST):2020 屏東廣告節最佳MV 獎 :施曼妮導演—MONEY FILM_Island of light 光之島嶼
演講 (Lecture):聲音的軌跡 Sound-Tracking, 2020.11.07 SAT 15:00-17:00, 空總臺灣當代文化實驗場
主辦:文化部 / 策劃執行:Dimension Plus 超維度互動 / 辦:空總臺灣當代文化實驗場
網路節目:「TSL 聲響窩嗑夏」
(Youtube Production- Contemporary Music Series)
聲響窩嗑夏,聲音嗑一下 臺灣第一個系統性介紹「當代音樂與電子音樂」發展脈絡線上節目! 每週二 20:00 於C-Lab 臺灣聲響實驗室(TSL) Youtube頻道播出! 當代音樂與電子音樂雖然時間上距離我們不遠,但大幅創新的概念與聲響,反而相較於歷史悠久,出現在你我的音樂課本、時常在電視、電影、廣告作為配樂的古典樂,更難在日常生活中有接觸機會。 TSL致力推廣當代音樂與電子音樂 ,特別推出「TSL 聲響窩嗑夏」系列線上節目,將由實驗音樂創作者 李婉菁 Sandra 、獨立音樂工作者、好樂團主唱許瓊文共同主持。 六集節目帶領你從當代音樂與電子音樂的歷史脈絡、作曲家、樂器與作品等發展 一窺當代音樂的奧妙、增加對於聲響藝術的理解,讓當代音樂走進你我的日常。 - 【聲響窩課夏】節目資訊 ▲ YouTube:11/17日起每週二晚上8點於「TSL 臺灣聲響實驗室」官方頻道線上播出
展演(Concert): Sound x Tone x Music【聲X音X樂】 (跨域音樂市集@臺東美術館) —「Tengilen!聲音在說話」台東美術館跨域聲音演出 演出日期|10/25 演出時間|17:00-21:00 演出地點|臺東美術館 表演名稱:靈異日常 演出團隊:李婉菁+Tony+ShikO2 ManbO+feat.VJ葉澈。 音樂形式:電音+電聲+VJ。https://youtu.be/2AnwBuZQLec
參展 (Conference):2020 愛丁堡藝術節(台灣) Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2020
Disability Arts is next in the spotlight. Lee-Chun Yao, director of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre and Body Phase Studio, provides an overview of what's happening in this sector in Taiwan from a personal perspective (Wed 12 Aug). He and guests from Scotland and Taiwan then present case studies and performance excerpts (Fri 14 Aug).Body Stories: “Intermezzo” and othersHosted by 表演藝術聯盟 and Taiwan Season - Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2020
工作坊 (Workshop):【明盲相逢之町】/【第六種官能表演藝術深耕計畫】暗中有戲工作坊
由第六種官能表演藝術祭總監姚立群策劃,邀請編舞家黎美光與作曲家李婉菁一起帶領視障者與明眼人,探索身體與身體、空間、聲音、議題之間的連結,開展身體即興的想像。透過分享會,與眾交流工作坊進行內容與明盲之間的互動。 04/03(六) 14:00-17:00
“Summer Morning Rain"—for Piano and computer-generated sound
The Loreto Theater - The Sheen Center, New York, 2019 ICMC, 2019 NYCEMF
Tscherkassky, Man Ray : cinéastes, 2019 ManiFeste, IRCAM, Soundtrack presentation–L'Arrivee–Peter Tscherkassky (https://manifeste.ircam.fr/agenda/tscherkassky-man-ray-cineastes/detail/)
“About the processing"
Lecture, DAT, Taipei (https://www.facebook.com/events/628288594324059/)
《異響天天開》電音/聲音創作基礎工作坊 《Made your_______》 Computer Music/Sound Workshop
文化部「科技藝術實驗創新及輔導推動計畫」 科技藝術系列講座
主辦:文化部 承辦:Dimension Plus
”Humans and tools" — 《人與工具共舞的超時空》
Lecture forum,
第五屆科技藝術國際學術研討會 The 5th International Symposium of Art and Technology 2019 »
2019 TAxT 桃園科技藝術節
黃致傑 x 李婉菁
《脈動 Heartbeat Instrument》
2019.10.15- 11.03
2019 影像興樂園|創意MV工作坊—音樂變!變!變!
講座課程 (感謝林桂如老師邀請)
“In A Soundscape 2"
—for Oboe and computer-generated sound presented by Yi-an Huang, National Experiment Theatre, Taipei (6/25/2018 ).
"Signal Exchange"—for Real-time sound processing through computer and live performance, with Yung-hong Wang and Cevo Cheng-yen Yang, ICMC 2018 selection. https://goo.gl/C6b333
“Ban Shan"—for 8 speakers surround sound (fixed media), ICMC 2018 selection
Selection: Soundtrack–Music for 2018 Διεθνής Διαγωνισμός Σύνθεσης για ταινία animation (International Composition Competition for animation film).
Selection: Internationales-musikinstitut Darmstadt. Soundtrack–L'Arrivee–Peter Tscherkassky
“Ban Shan"—Libélula Sonora: música electroacústica y experimental asiática
Music director for "(今晚,還有誰)去大馬士革 Who else going tonight, to Damascus The 10th GLT Lunar New Year Gala", Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre / Body Phase Studio (https://goo.gl/Ctt3He)
"Wind and The Dancing Bamboo”—for piano, soundscape and computer-generated sound
Wuan-chin Li (Sandra Tavali): Piano and Computer generated sound
Laila(Chin-Hui) Fan: Soundscape - bamboo forest field recording
presented in 2017 Klingt gut! Hamburg, Germany.
"Duet in Autumn"—for Max and Yamaha Disklavier
(Selection: 2018 New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, Concert 18, Abrons Art Center, Playhouse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i4__rtQ8Js
"In A Soundscape"—for two pianos and computer-generated sound
Presented by Chia-Chi Hsu and Pei-Chun Liao, National Concert Hall, Taipei (9/24/2017 https://www.facebook.com/HLPianoDuo/videos/1882692895362098
“Ban Shan” http://sandrawcl.wixsite.com/banshan
—for 5.1 surround sound (fixed media), featured in 2017 The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, USA.
"Ban Shan.......an impression of combined dancerly delicacy and cosmic largeness emerges, and the protected god became a powerful force of creativity."— Jean Ballard Terepka, Music Critic, New York (2017, 6)
“River" (with Yi-an Huang, Cheng-yen Yang)
—for oboe and computer-generated sound, featured at 2016 The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival, New York, USA.
Music director for "Intermezzo", Director: Lee-chun Yao (”關於生之重力的間奏式“, produced by Body Phase Studio and Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, 2016)
“Ban Shan" - Computer Generated Sound for Surround Systen, 2016 klingt gut!
artist's statement: https://www.facebook.com/notes/740614406492867/
Music for Changhua County Government CF
"Handmade" Computer Music Workshop at Wansha Art center (Tainan), Trees can be art center (Kaohsiung)
"Dirge" (Produced by Guling Avant-garde theatre, with Ivan Voinov, Cheng-yen Yang, Bruce Wang, vocal: Chi, Arai Toshimasa)
—for prepared piano, metal vocal, and computer-generated sound in real-time controlling. (featured at 2015 ICMC - International Computer Music Conference, Texas, USA) https://youtu.be/Hfz-yMUk878
"The week of Music can shape music" festival (”樂之形音樂週“, produced by Body Phase Studio and Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, 2015)
—for orchestra and computer-generated sound. featured by Taoyuan Philharmonic Orchestra, Nan-Hai Theatre Concert Hall.
"Handmade" Computer Music Workshop at Wansha Art Center, Tainan2015
Music for Dance: “Shapde
5.5”, Solo dance project, director/dancer: Shou-ShapdeYuo Liu (Produced by Body Phase Studio and Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, 2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjDJGKgqEBw
The soundtrack of “ Civil Disobedience" (Documentary), Director: Yu-Chin Chen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLgOMDvjy0E)。First prize, Taiwan International Documentary Festival, TIDF, 2013
"Handmade" international computer music concert (music director), Guling street avant-garde theatre, Taipei
Concert: https://youtu.be/mHQfhxckYNc
Program: https://issuu.com/sandratavali/docs/handmade04262014
Music for the movie "The Journey of Sacrifice" ("犧牲之旅",導演:應政儒)。
2014 Kaohsiung Film Festival, Taiwan
2015 Golden Harvest Awards& Short Film Festival, Taiwan
2015 Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
2015 Frederick Film Festival LGBTQ Night, USA
2015 InDPanda International Film Festival, Hong Kong
The soundtrack of “Back to Memories" https://vimeo.com/83107786 (First prize for old film rewards, Taipei Film Archive Center, 2013)
Music for Exhibition: King Hu: the Renaissance Man, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei. (http://youtu.be/0RaS-ZmB9DY , 2012)
Green Fair CF soundtrack (2012)
“EX!T 2012”, for real-time experiment film 8mm player and a live band. (Visual artist: Hang-Jun Lee)
Hard Rock Music Festival, CF (2011)
Kavalan International Short Film Festival CF soundtrack (2011)
Movie "ENCORE” music/soundtrack (Italian the ASOLO Film Arts Festival, Director: Lai Kin Fai, 2011)
The soundtrack of "Looking Back Lost" (Director: Chen Wei, 2010 Electrical Engineering Hall of the digital value-added contest first prize in 2011, Kaohsiung Film Festival International Short Film Festival Finalist 2012 Urban Nomad Film Festival short film finalists)
Land Bank of Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs, historic building restoration documentary (Director: Zheng Wentang)
"peace +" for computer, piano, DJ and visual (2010)
"Love, or still, love" 2010 Kaohsiung Film Festival trailer soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykovZny_qhQ
"East food market Rhapsody for Piano, DJ, and computer sound (2010)
Musical "Dark Baroque" - Music Director, International Theatre Festival (Produced by Body Phase Studio and Guling Street Avant-garde Theater)
"Love in the Blood" 2009 Kaohsiung Film Festival trailer soundtrack
Information Bureau "Taiwan Falls Legend soundtrack (Director: Chen Wei, 2009)
Martinus Miroto Martini ‧ density Radha: ballet "imprint" soundtrack - Taipei Artist Village (2009)
Discovery Channel Discovery Channel "Enigmatic Taiwan" series soundtrack (Director: Chen Wei, 2008)
Music for Experiment film project "Awake" by Tony Chun-hui Wu (http://www.heath.tw/nml-article/wuchunhui1/)
Chthonic: "Seediq Bale", keyboardist (閃靈樂團:“賽德克巴萊”專輯製作,擔任鍵盤手) https://youtu.be/WqZRjTordJk
Music for Drama, “A Dart Summer Night” (Director: Mia Chen), featured at Guling street Avant-grade Theatre. http://blog.roodo.com/darksummer9
Music for Drama, “Road, Movie” (Director: Mia Chen), featured at Taiwan National Experimental Theatre.